Raszta Sztr
Marci 2005.10.03. 13:04
Armageddon A vgs bibliai csata a j s a gonosz hatalmak kzt.
Babylon A korrupt szervezetek, rendszerek: egyhz, llam, rendrsg
Back off Nyugi! Csak lazn!
Badda rosszabb
Bambu Cigi papr
Bandulu Becsapni,tvgni vkit
Batty bwoy, battie homokos
Beenie kicsi
Binghi blcs
Bly esly
Bobo A ”Bobo Dreads” tagja, egy rasta testvregyeslet
Bubble tncolni
Bus water ejakulci
Bwoy Fi,ember
Chalice, chillum Pipa, amivel cannabist szvnak, a rastk ritulis pipja
Clean di Rifle Orlis szex
Cutchie Pipa, amivel cannabist szvnak
Cuyah Ide sss!
Dawta Lny, n, lny tes, bartn
Deh There - Ott
Dem Them - k
Di The - A/Az
Don tisztelt szemly
Dread Rasta kvet
Flash it megengedni
Forward ismtelni
Galang Menj innt! Takarodj!
Ganja Cannabis
Gimme Add ide.. Krem..
Hail dvzls
Herb Cannabis,marijuana
I and I Mi, mindannyian
Iditation meditci
Idren "Rasta tes"
In nah, Inna In the. -ban,ben
I-ney dvzls (hail)
Irie j, kellemes
Isms, skisms negatv kifejezs a babyloni rendszerre
Ital vitlis, termszetes tel, szemlyre is mondjk
I-thiopia Etipia
Jah Isten, Mindenhat
Kali, Kooly Marijuana, Cannabis
Kumina Ecstatic dance for the purpose of communicating with ancestors.
Let off adni valamit
Lion Egy igazsgos Dread, nagyszer llek
Manacles lnc
Maroons Felszabadult fekete rabszolgk,harcosok,akiknek sikerl ellenllni a brit hatalomnak a 18.sz. vgn,19.sz. elejn
Mawga vkony
Mi n
Nah Not - nem
Natty, natty dread, natty congo Olyan szemly,akinek Dreadlock-jai vannak
Niyabinghi " Death to black and white oppressor ". Also kind of spirital drum music.
Niyah man blcs ember (binghi man)
Nyam enni
Obeah traditional African "science", relating to matters of the spirit and spirits, spells, divinations, omens, extra-sensory knowledge, etc.
Oil sperma
One love a parting phrase, expression of unity.
Overstand Understand - megrteni
Peel knyrgni, koldulni
Politricks politics - politika
Pon Upon
Pum pum Szz lny
Rada Rather - inkbb
Raggamuffin Jamaican ghetto dweller.
Ras A title used by Rastafarians meaning "lord" or "head".
Rasta, Rastafarian A follower of Marcus Garvey who worships the Almighty in the person of haile Selassie, King of Ethiopia.
Rizzla cigi papr mrka
Roots Derived from the experience of the common people, natural indigenous, also a greeting, and name for a fellow Rasta.
Rude bwoy bnz, hideg szv, kemny ember
Sata, satta meditlni, "imdkozni"
Secle Cool
Seen rtem, egyet rtek
Seen ? rted?
Sinsemilla, sensi Marijuannak egy rsze, magtalan
Sista, Sister, sistren N, bartn
Skank Reggae zenre val tncols
Spliff hatalmas, baseball formj marijuans cigaretta
Tan pon it long Staying for a long time (sexual).
The I You - Te/Ti
Upfull pozitv, btort
Winjy vkony
Ya You - Te/Ti
Yawd, Yawdi jamaikai
Youth gyerek, fiatalember, retlen Zion Etipia, Afrika, a Rastafarik szent fldje